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Benedetto Haberdashery
Baltimore, MD

104 Park Avenue is a long vacant building at the south end of Baltimore’s historic shopping district. It was last occupied by a luncheonette. The City took ownership in 2007, and the owner of the Benedetto Haberdashery is under contract with the City to acquire the building. The Haberdashery is planned to occupy the first floor and basement of the building, with a one bedroom apartment on the second floor. Atelier Giguere, LLC was retained to compose the Historic Tax Credit Applications and serve in an advisory and project management capacity to assist SCB’s staff with the production of documents for the rehabilitation of the building. The historic elements include roman brick with butter joints and terra cotta trim. The historic storefront was replaced with a contemporary aluminum storefront at some point. The storefront is disconnected from the building inn several locations due to poor connections and must be replaced. The design intent is to develop a more historically compatible storefront for the replacement.

Emerson Mansion
Baltimore, MD

Historic Tax Credit Application

Maynard Burgess House
Annapolis, MD

2013 Project with KANN Partners: The Maynard-Burgess House, a wood structure on Duke of Gloucester Street, is a complicated historic structure. Part of the frame and siding dates to the latter part of the 18th century, with the oldest section dated to 1795. KANN Partners was asked by the City of Annapolis to investigate and determine the best course of action to conserve the wood siding, weatherize the structure, and design for occupancy. The building falls under the review of the local Preservation Commission (HPC) and is ruled by an Easement with the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT). KANN’s analysis indicated that the siding needed to be removed to permit installation of a new sheathing layer for weatherization and structural stability as the condition of the siding no longer permitted it to function as lateral stabilization, but concerns existed that removing the siding would result in too much loss. To gain approval from both the HPC and MHT, KANN assembled presentations to illustrate flaws in proposed alternate systems. The design also included the addition of an accessible restroom to the building, which was required by the code officials for occupancy. The weatherization project was completed, but the interior and the addition were not.

2020 Project: With a new grant from the State of Maryland, the City has restarted the project, intending to complete the accessible restroom and fit out the first floor interior for City offices. Atelier Giguere is completing new construction documents and has worked through the approval process with the Annapolis HPC and MHT’s Easement Committee. Special considerations include thermal separation of the first and second floors, to maintain original conditions on second floor for further study. Construction is expected to begin in spring 2022.

PS103, Henry Highland Garnet ES
Thurgood Marshall Center
Baltimore, MD

Historic Tax Credit Application

Easement management: rehabilitation work approval application

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